Monday, February 21, 2011


Where does it come from? This quest... this need to solve life's mysteries for the simplest of questions can never be answered...... Why are we here?
What is the soul? Why do we dream???
Perhaps we would be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. That's not human nature, not the human heart..... That is not why we are here.....

How I wish these words were my original creation....For they perfectly say what I have in my mind...... These phrases, taken from the narration of a famous TV series 'Heroes' ask questions about the man, his existence, his actions etc.......

Ans so, I write, almost 1 month after putting in my first entry. This may seem rather irregular. Why so much of a gap between the 1st and the 2nd post?
Was I too busy? Was there nothing much in going on that I did not feel like writing? Was it that I found blogging very boring and decided to stop just after the 1st post?

Well, the answer to the question is none of the above. It was pure laziness that delayed this second post by such a large amount. Infact, I had thought of the title of this blog (Genesis) a long time ago. It was just the laziness that cause such a delay.

Genesis means creation. It marks the beginning of any process, and this blog marks the beginning of my entry into the blogging world. (The introductory blog does not count!)

This blog marks the beginning of a series of posts to follow. The posts that follow this one, will be based on my thoughts on the various things that I experience around me. They are my way to make an attempt at answering the questions that I asked in the beginning of this blog. They are a way of opening out my views about the world. They are the world as seen from my shoes (or my eyes in a literal sense!) There will be so much to much to think about.....

 Have we just merged ourselves in the endless world of tremendous competition, distrust and infidelity? Are we just blindly following a rat race? Now knowing where the end is.....Not even bothering to stop and ask one another...."Why are we racing in the first place?"

We are a bunch of funny people.....Living in a world which is becoming funnier day by day....And the quest to find the meaning to life has become even more important now.... It is just that we are so busy running.....That we have no time to stop and look at the world....We are so busy trying to reach the moon, that we have don't even notice the beautiful flowers growing in front of us.....
The famous worlds of William Henry Davies immediately strike the mind....

What is this life if full of care.....
We don't have time to stand and stare......

And so, with this, I conclude once again, by quoting the following lines....

This quest... this need to solve life's mysteries..... In the end what does it matter when the human heart can only find meaning in the smallest of moments? These meaningful moments are here... among us... in the shadows, in the light, everywhere. Do they even know yet? Or more importantly, do WE even know yet?


  1. Beautifully written!
    Indeed, we have become so involved in the race of life, that we seem to have forgotten why we even do something! A Thought provoking post!
    Do continue writing :)

  2. Thank you very much for the kind words of encouragement! Keep tuning for more posts!
