Thursday, July 28, 2016


In general, the running community (or anyone who does regular physical activities) is full of extremely nice people. Usually when you pass someone running in the opposite direction, they give you a smile or greet you with a "Good *insert appropriate greeting based on the time of the day*". Being extremely shy, I don't normally greet first, but have been making a point to return greetings from other people back with a smile. 
However, what is not expected is non-running people just casually greeting as you are running past them. So as I passed a bus today (because it was stationary, and not because I have suddenly acquired superhuman abilities), I was pleasantly surprised when the bus driver gave me a huge smile, a nod and a thumbs-up. I was about 80% done with my run and was struggling to finish, but that positive gesture of "keep up the good work kid" gave me an extra boost to finish strongly. Just a couple of days ago, when I was stretching on a sidewalk, a woman walking past me stopped, wished me a good morning and a good run. And a few weeks ago a man walking his dog saw me and gave me the "you da man" point. Needless to say, I was smiling all throughout the remainder of my run.

It is the little gestures really. It doesn't take much to motivate someone who is trying to do something good. Looking at the positive reinforcement I get from these greetings, I am going to try and be the person who smiles and greets first. Because what would make me extremely happy is being the reason someone was motivated to finish their run strongly and with a smile :) 

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